TAD is a biotechnology drug discovery company created in December 2015.
Driven by founding partners with extensive experience in pharmaceutical multinationals, TAD aims to provide a different vision of drug discovery. This vision is based on the use of artificial intelligence technologies for the identification of multiple therapeutic targets, the design of new treatments, and the analysis of in vivo test data. This integrated vision provides greater agility and predictive value in the decision making of the development of new drugs.
TAD is an expert in conducting preclinical Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic (PK / PD) studies in complex biological systems in vivo applying the same statistical approaches used in clinical studies. These studies allow the construction of mathematical models of PKPD that predict the effectiveness of new medicines in patients, accelerating and improving decision making in the discovery and development of new treatments.
The robustness, predictive power and economy of the experimental and PKPD models of TAD have decisively contributed to accelerate the discovery of the new antimalarials developed by various pharmaceutical companies and international entities. TAD seeks to apply its unique experience in experimental models to discover new treatments against cancer or aging.